Find your next job or skilled workers
ByggJobs is a marketplace that matches experienced construction workers with well-paying jobs abroad. Sign up for our app today and join or establish a winning team of construction companies and construction pros!
What our candidates think!

Benjamin von Jahf for EHRAB
EHRAB is a professional company. Never late with salaries, always interested to do their best for all employees.
How it works

for Companies

for Companies
Connect With Potential Employees Quickly
Try our unique services to staff your construction projects. Or rent out your own staff instead of having them on the bench.

Browse the workers database
With ByggJobs it is easy to plan your workforce for each project. The platform gives you the opportunity to easily staff complete work teams with skilled workers. Through ByggJobs, you get access to the workers’ profiles and have full control of the recruitment process yourself. Choose only the candidates with the desired qualifications for your particular company, or project, and handpick teams of talented workers for the future.

Create a job opening for each open position
Create a job opening and get recommendations of workers for the specific job opening. Choose the best candidates for the position and save the others for the future.
Recruitment process

Publish a job ad with ease
Add an open position to your company’s profile on ByggJobs in a few simple steps. Just fill out the job details and click Post – the job ad is live!
Find talents or post a job opening
The ByggJobs app makes it easier to find professional construction workers for your vacancy or organisation. Browse the professionals in the database and contact them directly, or start a recruiting process and pick the best candidates.

for Workers

for Workers
Find great jobs in no time
Set up your profile and receive tailored job notifications and offers based on your job preferences and where in the world you are located.

Create your profile in a flash
The ByggJobs app is easy to navigate regardless of your digital literacy level. We have created functions to make it easy to create, and handle, your profile. Enhance your profile and showcase your experiences to potential employers. You can also get recommendations and praise from previous employers and colleagues.
Find the job that suits you best
Once your account is active, the home screen shows you a list of all open positions. You can also activate filters to personalise the search and narrow down the list to the positions that match your skills and interests.